Cook: Summer 'Mater Salad

My boss is so sweet and always shares her abundance of vegetables and fruits with me when she has extra. She brought me a bunch of plump, juicy tomatoes so I turned them into a bright summer salad. This is a great way to use any extra herbs you may have sitting around (I always have so much extra dill) and a great way to use the rest of your parmesan cheese. During the summer, tomatoes are often highlighted at restaurants and this is a great way to mimic that for half the cost. I especially love using all the different types of varieties of tomatoes that you see at your Farmer’s Market.


  • 4-5 tomatoes. Washed and cut into bite sized chunks (Use a variety of shapes, sizes and colors! - I especially love hillbilly, tigerella, jubilee and good ol’ big beef tomatoes)

  • Herbs (my go to for this salad is dill but basil, mint, parsley and any others are great, or a combination of them)

  • Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on top

  • Flaky Maldon sea salt

  • Good quality extra virgin olive oil (drizzled on top)

  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste


  • Stick everything in a bowl and toss. How easy is that!