Learn: Cure Egg Yolks

I am a big fan of Terrace House (who isn’t?). Not only do I love the subdued drama but I love to see what the cast is eating. In one of the latest episodes, two of the main cast members eat at a tamago kake gohan restaurant and I wanted to try it immediately. All tamago kake gohan is, is a raw egg yolk over hot rice. Once you mix the rice with the egg yolk, it becomes airy, fluffy, and delicious. The raw egg yolk is perfectly safe to eat as long as you’ve handled the shell and egg white appropriately. The shell and egg white is actually where most of the salmonella lives, so just make sure you’re breaking your eggs in a way that doesn’t let any shell into the yolk. This version of the recipe teaches you how to cure the egg yolks in shoyu for an even more flavorful version. Itadakimasu!


  • Egg yolks (carefully separated from the shell and egg white)

  • 1/2 cup soy sauce

  • 1/4 cup mirin

  • 1 tbsp sugar


  • Mix enough shoyu, a dash of mirin and a small amount of sugar to your liking.

  • Gently place the egg yolks in the mixture.

  • Cover with plastic wrap and let sit in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.

  • Serve over hot rice, mix and enjoy!


My favorite rice to eat this with is matsutake rice that my Grandma Daisy used to make. My dad has perfected the recipe and I’ll share it in a future post.
